GROW Counselling Program for Caregivers

Welcome to the GROW Counselling Program for Caregivers

G Guidance

R Resilience

O Optimism

W Wellbeing

At Gaia Cares, we understand the challenges caregivers face, and we are dedicated to supporting them every step of the way. The GROW Counselling Program is designed to help caregivers cultivate resilience, inspire optimism, and foster lasting positive changes.

GROW stands for Guidance, Resilience, Optimism, Wellbeing, and we believe that by nurturing these values, caregivers can thrive in their vital role. Our program offers compassionate support, helping caregivers explore areas of concern or challenges they may be facing. We aim to empower them to build strength, enhance mental wellness, and navigate their caregiving journey with greater confidence and resilience. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • Friends, family members, and/or caregivers of seniors aged 60 or above
  • Reside in Metro Vancouver

Areas of Counselling

Our counselling services are not limited to caregiving concerns.  We also support individuals dealing with personal issues, work-related stress, and other emotional challenges.  If a concern falls outside our counsellor’s expertise, appropriate referrals will be provided to ensure they receive the support they need.

Modes of Counselling

  • Online via zoom
  • In person at 499 E. Pender Street, Vancouver


Free of Charge


To get started, please call 778-300-0772 or email to arrange an intake session.

Important Note: Our counselling program is NOT a crisis response service.  If you are experiencing an emergency, please call 911 immediately or contact your local crisis hotline for immediate assistance. 

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