「山火無情 人間有愛」長者義賣鮮花小盤栽,聲援卑詩山火災民

Press Release - September 08, 2023

佳頤中心的日間訓練活動服務於9月7日舉辦義賣鮮花小盤栽行動,籌得款項將全數用作支援受卑詩山火影響的災民,活動吸引本那比市民前來支持,佳頤中心董事會副主席周綺薇女士表示,籌得款項5千元,超出原先目標。她感謝一眾善心人支持。她並指出,希望透過活動,能夠帶出「山火無情 人間有愛」的訊息,華裔長者即使年邁,仍樂意為本省出一分力,幫助有需要的災民。

活動在本那比天恩愛鄰中心舉行,有超過10名長者參加,負責社工陳啟盈表示,長者早前在活動中學習插花,當獲悉卑詩山火依然嚴峻後,為嚮應加拿大紅十字會就卑詩火災籌款呼籲,有義工提議以義賣鮮花盤栽方式,既可學以置用,又能為災民籌款,長者們均對提議反應積極。 長者馬太表示,大家身為加拿大人,有事應該互相幫助,並舉手出錢出力支持。 


Percy Wong, Executive Director of Gaia Cares (Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society, gccws.ca) is amazed at such a positive outcome. “It’s been only about 10 days that this idea came about, but the seniors and their caregivers are so positive about getting involved. It is so affirming that despite their old age, they want to be part of the society, to help other Canadians."  

Ms. Margaret Chow, Vice President of Gaia Cares, concurred “The seniors feel very proud of what they can do for the society… that gives them an identity as a Canadian.” The original goal is to raise $3,000, now reaching close to $5,000. She hopes that the community will donate to contribute to this fundraising initiative by going to this link: www.redcross.ca/2023BCFiresAppeal/gccws  

For information about Gaia Cares Adult Day Program, please go to https://gccws.ca/sadp/

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