我們都聽過這句說話 “沒有任何地方像家一樣”。隨著年齡的增長,許多長者希望盡可能留在家中安享晚年。他們生活了長達數十年的家庭和熟悉的社區環境可以讓他們更舒適和有尊嚴地應對晚年的生活挑戰。 they age, many seniors want to continue living in their own homes for as long as possible. The familiarity of a household where they have lived for years, or decades and the surrounding community can bring comfort and dignity as they navigate life's challenges in their advanced years.
然而,隨著長者年齡的增長,健康狀況和活動能力逐漸下降,留在家中獨立生活帶來了越來越多的挑戰。他們不但在外出購買食物、房屋清潔或洗衣等日常瑣事上都需要有人協助,他們還需要情感支持和社會聯繫,這對於維持健康的生活質量由關重要。 change as people age, the desire to remain at home presents increased challenges. Seniors frequently need help with everyday chores like grocery shopping, house cleaning or laundry. They also need emotional support and social connections essential to maintaining a healthy quality of life.
佳頤中心於3月份開始的 “好幫手計劃” 正是來幫助這群長者。這個為期六個月的試點項目將為大溫地區的弱勢及低收入長者提供簡單的家居清潔和關懷陪伴服務。雖然長者可以使用其他的社區支援服務,但通常這類服務的輪候時間一般都頗長。此外。由於語言和文化障礙,華裔長者和服務員之間也有可能出現溝通不暢因而引起的誤解,從而影響所提供服務的質量。 有見及此,好幫手計劃將提供簡單的家居清潔服務和關懷陪伴,同時滿足華裔長者獨特的語言和文化需求。 through the launch of Project Helping Hands. This six-month pilot project will offer light housekeeping services and care companionship to vulnerable, low-income Chinese seniors in the Lower Mainland. While other community home support programs are available to seniors, there are sometimes long waiting lists for services. Due to language and cultural barriers, miscommunications or misunderstandings can arise between Chinese seniors and housekeepers, undermining the effectiveness of services provided. Project Helping Hands will offer a variety of housekeeping and companionship service options while addressing Chinese seniors' unique linguistic and cultural needs.
不少華裔長者與社會孤立。他們無法獲得他們需要和應得的實際和情感支持,這使他們與社區隔絕,導致抑鬱和其他心理問題。導致長者與社會孤立的常見因素包括身體虛弱和行動不便、資金有限以及缺乏支持網絡。這些因素往往對少數族裔產生更顯著的不利影響,他們通常被視為主流社會的局外人。 access the practical and emotional supports they need and deserve can leave them cut off from the world around them, leading to depression and other psychological problems. The common contributing factors to social isolation among the elderly include physical frailty and mobility challenges, limited finances, and lack of support networks. These factors often have more significant adverse effects on ethnic minorities, often perceived as outsiders in mainstream Society.
Through the Project Helping Hands pilot, Gaia Cares aims to fill gaps in the community service programs to improve social support for Chinese seniors. The six-month pilot, funding through a generous Gaia Cares donor contribution, will first target low-income seniors 60 years or older in Vancouver's Chinatown district, beginning in March.
If you are interested in learning more about Project Helping Hands, contact us at 778-223-7236. We welcome donations to support the project. Call us to donate by phone or donate online at https://gccws.ca/donate.