「山火无情 人间有爱」长者义卖鲜花小盘栽,声援卑诗山火灾民

Press Release - September 08, 2023
佳颐中心的日间训练活动服务于9月7日举办义卖鲜花小盘栽行动,筹得款项将全数用作支援受卑诗山火影响的灾民,活动吸引本那比市民前来支持,佳颐中心董事会副主席周绮薇女士表示,筹得款项5千元,超出原先目标。她感谢一众善心人支持。她并指出,希望透过活动,能够带出「山火无情 人间有爱」的讯息,华裔长者即使年迈,仍乐意为本省出一分力,帮助有需要的灾民。
Percy Wong, Executive Director of Gaia Cares (Gaia Community Care and Wellness Society, gccws.ca) is amazed at such a positive outcome. “It’s been only about 10 days that this idea came about, but the seniors and their caregivers are so positive about getting involved. It is so affirming that despite their old age, they want to be part of the society, to help other Canadians."
Ms. Margaret Chow, Vice President of Gaia Cares, concurred “The seniors feel very proud of what they can do for the society… that gives them an identity as a Canadian.” The original goal is to raise $3,000, now reaching close to $5,000. She hopes that the community will donate to contribute to this fundraising initiative by going to this link: www.redcross.ca/2023BCFiresAppeal/gccws
For information about Gaia Cares Adult Day Program, please go to https://gccws.ca/sadp/