
佳頤中心在6月25日於市中心 UBC Robson Square主辦了其首次研討會,主題為 「構建新路向:實現長者居家安老的策略」。 來自不同的社區組織包括United Way of British Columbia、 多倫多頤康中心、中僑互助會、Mosaic、 世代同行會及 UBC社會工作學院都有派代表分享他們在大溫地區為長者社區所做的工作及和對於居家安老的見解及其豐富經驗。

Joanna Drake, Director, Community Based Seniors Services Ministry of Health

Kick Off Ceremony with special guest and seniors

Olivia Bornik, Assistant Director

United Way of BC

Richard Lee, City of Burnaby Councillor

Karen Wong, UBC School of Social Work

Audience at Robson Square Theatre

Olivia Bornik, Assistant Director

United Way of BC

Maria Chu, Kwong Liu , Maria Chu, Margaret Chow

Interview with GAC seniors on their experience with Gaia services

Henry Yao, MLA of Richmond South

Maria Chu and Kwong Liu ,

Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care

Daisy Au, Program Coordinator of MOSAIC

Erin Harron, Executive Director,

Lower Mainland Operation, BC Housing

Group Photos with guest speakers and seniors

Indira Riadi from United Way of BC

Jacky Leung, Program Director of S.U.C.C.E.S.S.

Beverly Ho, Operations Manager of Yarrow Society

Percy Wong, Executive Director of Gaia Cares

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