Media Coverage

Volunteers deliver 8,000 kg of rice to vulnerable seniors in Chinatown

August 9, 2022

Global News prime time coverage on our rice donation event on Aug 9 at May Wah Hotel. The footage has been captured and broadcasted on Global News that same evening giving our volunteers some positive affirmation and encouragement for their meaningful contribution.

Community organization helps the elderly to relieve inflationary pressures (BC)

August 9, 2022

Omni News also covers our rice donation event on Aug 9 at May Wah Hotel. The footage has also been captured and broadcasted on their evening news channel that same evening.

Spring Celebration Luncheon 2022 on Fairchild TV Evening News

March 4, 2022

Gaia Cares hosted the Spring Celebration Luncheon on March 4, 2022 at Floata Seafood Restaurant in Chinatown. Here is a video report broadcasted on Fairchild TV news that evening.

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